
Kiyota is livin his life. He's on his own, living in a flat w/his 2 buds in bball, Jin&Maki. He found out that his class would include the beautiful&droolworthy Ryuuko who he has a crush on for years&his band would finally get a break! His life was perfect, until...enter Akiko Worthington. She's rich, beautiful ... She's manipulative&Machiavellian, apt on revenge. She's accidentally pushed (against her will) in the bball club's direction & made it her purpose to make Kiyota's life a hell

Got my new glasses.

If I could momentarily steal my brother's digicam I'll let y'all see the
oogli in glasses. I have to correct the astigmatism in both of my eyes since
the optometrist(?) said that it was raised from the last time I went there
for a check up.

I never did like wearing glasses.


The first time I wore glasses was when I was in kindergarten and the doctor
said that I had to wear glasses...because I was cross-eyed.


Its rims were red. The shape was oval. The owner was a girl with two front
teeth missing and not singing on wanting it for Christmas. So the glasses
were oogli, and so was the girl.

After that everyone in the class marveled at my glasses(since I was the
first kid to wear one), I was omitting the fact that I have it because I was

My classmates, with their grubby hands of glue, dirt and nose drips, squealed
their kiddy little hearts out on wanting to try it on, and on one by one they
did leaving me spectacle-less the whole day and leaving them with a moment
of the day wearing the oogli glasses.



Come the end of the school day, I asked my wildly interested classmates
where my glasses were and they all innocently replied that they didn't know
where the oogli was. I asked and asked my then non-fat covered heart out
where it was, but to no avail.

So it was lost. I was overjoyed.

I mean seriously, wearing something that was a visible reminder (and in
red even) that you were a cross-eyed kid...uh uh, I don't think so! ^_^


My second pair of glasses was reminiscent of Harry Potter's pair(you know,
the pair with the perfectly round shape that would make you look like a peeping
owl), only the rim was silver and it didn't make me look as cute as D. Radcliffe
looks. In fact you should guess that this one made me look more than oogli,
it made me look...


Not the Paulita Gomez, I'm as beautiful as the moon kind of thing.

Moon like as in, I looked like an over stuffed mooncake wearing glasses
that accentuates the round left cheek, the more rounded right cheek, the
Santa's belly like forehead and pudgy nose. So generally it just makes me
look...well rounded?

*wishes that she had a defined bone structure*

Add that to the fact that I was going through the phase(that I'm still not
out off) of oily skin. Add oily skin to bridge-deficient nose would equal
to the pair of glasses slipping down making my cheeks have the better view
of its grade rather than my eyes.



So this is my third pair. Not oogli, but the wearer's good
luck... ^_^


alt="julia" width="140" height="80" align="left">
I bought the soundtracks of href=""
title="a must see movie!">mona lisa smile
(which I sooo wanna see) and
Freaky Friday (saw it already), yay for me! ^_^ Has anyone seen it(Mona Lisa
Smile) yet? Or better yet, is it showing in the Phil already? I really don't
know. My older sister tells me that we're gonna see href=""
target="_blank" title="A Sex Comedy starring D. Bonnevie"> Bridal Shower

this weekend (I know, she's, like, my constant movie date) but I don't know
the age standard for that movie. Aww man...

In any case, got Finding Nemo, sister dear and I already watched it in the
player. I teared up, my sister was yelling cornball...mmm... I must be getting
my p. or something... Whatever...


Muchos... ^_^


Oh yeah, speaking of  Kirsten Dunst (she's in the movie MLS), try dloading
her song " href=""
title="Let me sleep, For when I sleep I dream that you're here">Dream of
"-- it's surprisingly good. ^_^

  posted by Cookie @ 5:52 AM

Friday, January 02, 2004  
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